Manager’s Guide to Navigating The Four Stages of Team Development Medium

Swarming is a sometime behavior, in contrast to mob programming, which can be thought of as swarming all the time. This is also the time in which teams can celebrate everything they have achieved together. Take the time to reflect on your achievements and remind your team why they’re doing what they do.

what are the four stages of team development

Chris thanks Julie for honestly sharing her thoughts and states this is why she’s a valuable member. They’ll look to you for guidance and support, and when you establish a trusting two-way conversation, you’ll pave the way towards their professional growth. At this point, you recognize that your team has grown significantly and is capable of achieving big things together. They feel confident and comfortable when approaching you with concerns and questions.

Stage 4: Performing stage

At this stage, the team’s routine and norms become stable and change infrequently. The team may start thinking strategically about their work and balance work on initiatives and process improvements. The roles and boundaries are typically unclear at the Storming stage. Team members may not like the work style of their new colleagues, challenge the emerging team norms and resist control.

  • They may feel sadness or a sense of loss about the changes coming to their team relationships.
  • After a project is over or if a team is disbanded, team members who worked together will go into a small mourning period.
  • Members feel attached to the team as something “greater than the sum of its parts” and feel satisfaction in the team’s effectiveness.
  • Whenever you notice there is a desire to change or an actual change from the normal way of working, this will trigger the team to move into the storming or even forming stage.

Managers need to recognise each achievement the team makes at this stage, no matter how small or large. The team must know that despite all difficulties, they are still delivering and making progress. Furthermore, team members may encounter unexpected difficulties, feel lost and overwhelmed, and disillusioned and disappointed with their new team. Managers need to support each team member and ensure they can contribute and their peers are not blocking them. Frequent 1–1s allow managers to help their team members cope with issues and find a place in the team. All teams will go through the storming drop – the key for high performance teams is being able to anticipate, recognise and managing the drop.

Stages of Team Development

Here you’ll find a variety of articles on subjects such as business, ministry, archaeology, communication, psychology, education and many more. All groups must go through the initial four stages in order to become productive and deliver results. The organisational environment the new team exists in is also unfamiliar to its members. The managers must introduce the team to its stakeholders and explain its dependencies and its place in the organisation. The team knows what to do and does it together in an aligned way. Chris asks the administration to formally recognize their achievement.

what are the four stages of team development

This is also a great opportunity to recognize and praise the talents of specific team members. Boost motivation by helping your employees understand why their work matters. In this free ebook, learn how to create a shared sense of purpose on your team. The team decides that the training should be video-based and online, making it easier for people to attend. They stress that interaction is essential to both learning and satisfaction. The team decides that the training should focus on asking participants questions instead of lecturing them.

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